Event Details - Planning through retirement

When: 09/12/2014 for 7.30am for 8.00am - 9.15am
Where: Insitute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland
Cost: Non Members: €125, Members: €75,


With more options available to DC members at retirement and as trustees deal with the challenge of providing investment strategies to fund through retirement, this seminar will examine the main issues trustees and employers will need to consider

CPD:  This event has been allocated 1 hour by the IAPF for on-going trustee training requirements.

It has been accredited 1 CPD hour by the LIA & IOB (Category 2. Pensions) (Ref: LIA-O-5613, IOB 2014-2235, see attached pdf of confirmation) and 1 CPD hour by the IIPM. If you have a query relating to CPD hours please contact the relevant awarding body.

Delegate Pack


7.30am Registration / Networking Breakfast

8.00am Introduction 
James Kavanagh, Trustee Decisions Limited

8.10am Presentation 
Tom McLoughlin, Russell Investments & Grainne Newman, Mercer

Panel Discussion, Audience Q&A

9.15am Ends


click on image for biography Grainne Newman
IAPF Investment Committee / Mercer
click on image for biography Tom McLoughlin
Russell Investments


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