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E-Update 30 June 2016

30/06/2016 Posted by IAPF | Comments(0)
June, 30th 2016

We are monitoring the impact of the decision in the UK Referendum to leave the EU. This is having obvious impact on financial markets and will also impact on issues such as cross-border schemes and the provision of services to pension schemes. We will be working with our colleagues in PensionsEurope and the UK as these develop over the coming months and will keep you informed.

IORPs Directive
A compromise wording has been agreed and is expected to be approved on June 30th. We will update you further once there is final agreement.

Approved Retirement Funds (ARFs) 
The Minister for Finance has arranged for individuals who have a Buy-out Bond that originated in a Defined Benefit pension scheme to be allowed to use their Buy-out Bonds to access the more flexible option of an Approved Retirement Fund (ARF). Click here for more information.

IAPF Trustee Training Tender
The IAPF is one of the longest standing providers of independent trustee training courses for trustees of occupational pension schemes. The IAPF is now seeking tenders from individuals or companies to present the courses on its behalf. For more information please click here IAPF Trustee Training Tender 2016 .

Pensions Council
The Pensions Council recently published a report on Approved Retirement Fund (ARF) charges which can be accessed here .

IAPF DC Risk Register
The DC Committee produced a Risk Register template that Trustees can use to assist them in reviewing the risks faced by their pension scheme. Click here to download.

DC Trustee Compliance Checklist
The DC Committee has developed the following compliance checklist to help trustees ensure that their statutory obligations are being met. Click here to download.

DC Booklet – Trustee, Member & Employer
The DC Committee also produced a booklet outlining the importance of understanding the interaction of contribution levels, investment returns and benefit conversion rates at retirement on DC retirement outcomes for trustees, members and employers. Click here to download.

Investment Topics
Our Investment Committee published a number of Investment Topics for Trustees and these can be accessedhere .

Defined Benefit Statistics
The Pensions Authority recently published a review of 2015 Defined Benefit scheme statistics which can be accessed here.

DC Codes of Governance
The Pensions Authority recently published 3 more Codes of Governance on Data protection, Keeping records and Risk management and which can be accessed here .

PensionsEurope published a DC paper on Key Principles of Good Governance for Workplace Defined Contribution Pension Plans throughout Europe last week. Click here to download.

IAPF Summer 2016 Online Magazine

Click here to read the Summer edition of the IAPF online magazine.

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