Annual Investment Survey

Our Annual Investment Survey provides a year end overview of how Irish Pensions Savings are invested. As well as an overall figure for assets invested it looks at the split between defined benefit and defined contribution, the assets classes schemes are invested in and the types of investment strategies used.

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Asset Allocation Survey 2004IAPF27.07.2005This Asset Allocation Survey 2004 was finalised by the Iapf in July 2005. Overall Irish pension funds experienced a steady growth during 2004. Commenting on the findings, Fiona Daly (Investment Committee, IAPF) said ?The 2004 Asset Allocation survey revealed some interesting trends. In recent years IAPF have seen a steady increase in funds moving to passive management. Through 2004 this trend continued. By year end the proportion of assets under passive management rose to 25.8% compared with 17.9% at the end of 2003.?Download this publication
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