Latest News

Below you will find all the latest news and updates from IAPF.  

In With the New

In With the New

Jack Gray of European Pensions sought comment from IAPF CEO Jerry Moriarty on Ireland’s new auto-enrolment system.

Work Longer for a Larger Pension

Work Longer for a Larger Pension

Listen back to IAPF CEO Jerry Moriarty on The Pat Kenny Show.

IAPF eUpdate - The latest in Irish Pensions news

IAPF eUpdate - The latest in Irish Pensions news

Commission on Taxation Report

Are Older People Being Prioritised at the Cost of Youth?

Are Older People Being Prioritised at the Cost of Youth?

Are some Government policies benefitting older people but with the result that an undue burden is being placed on the young? Host Jerry O'Sullivan speaks to Sue Shaw, CEO of the Irish Senior Citizens’ Parliament and to Jerry Moriarty, CEO of the IAPF.

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